
If there is one word that we should be living by in late January 2022 (The 97th week of “two weeks to slow the spread”), it’s perseverance.

According to Merriam-Webster, perseverance is “the quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult.”  Boy oh boy, do I need a healthy, heaping portion of that these days, how about you?

Perseverance is Biblical

Persevere in the Race

There are so many references in scripture to perseverance, but perhaps my favorite is found in Romans 5:3-5 (CEB). While this version uses the word, “endurance,” it’s the same concept (see also steadfastness, and longsuffering).

“We even take pride in our problems, because we know that trouble produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope.”

Isn’t that awesome?  God rewards our perseverance through trials with character and hope.

Rely on God for Perseverance

You know that saying, “God never gives us more than we can handle?”  Yeah, that is not true, and it is certainly not Biblical. In fact, we are routinely faced with more than we can handle, and it is during those times that we have no other recourse than to completely rely on Jesus. His power is made perfect in our weakness, after all.

Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; don’t rely on your own intelligence. Know him in all your paths, and he will keep your ways straight.”  When we don’t know what to do, we have the God that does.

Don’t Give Up

Mom is persevering

“Those who stand firm during testing are blessed. They are tried and true. They will receive the life God has promised to those who love him as their reward” (James 1:12, CEB).

I look forward to the day when I walk through Heaven’s gates and hear Jesus say, “That one is tried and true,” don’t you?

Walk forward with perseverance in Christ. When we have Him, what more do we need?

About the Author Melanie LemusAbout the Author

Melanie Lemus is the Communication Specialist and resident editor for author Dr. Jeannine Bennett. She lives in Virginia with her wonderful husband and witty daughter. Melanie loves her freedom – in Christ and America. She’s passionate about natural health and homeopathy, and she’s always down to take a hike through the mountains.

Book Title

Knowing and Following is Book 3 in the God’s Way Series. Want to read Book 1?  Check out Broken to Beautiful here!

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