Blessed and Transformed
What do you do when God answers your prayers, renews your mind, and transforms you?

Blessed and Transformed
– Recent Release –
What do you do when God answers your prayers, renews your mind, and transforms you?
Life does not always turn out the way we hope. It is often filled with tragedy, heartbreak, and loss, but make no mistake, God doesn’t abandon us during those times. Instead, God uses every experience we encounter to transform us so we can live the life He intended when He created us.
As Christians, we understand that we live in a fallen world. A world where dwelling on past failures or falling prey to the same sins seems normal. But what happens when God opens our spiritual eyes and shows us a different way to live? Do you run to Him and embrace the change? Do you find your calling and live out your purpose?
In Blessed and Transformed, Jeannine Bennett shares how much sweeter life is when you recognize God’s blessings and fully embrace His transformation of your life. She shows you there is no limit to what you can endure or accomplish by keeping God front and center.
To see the current listing of Dr. Bennett’s published books, go here. You can also find them on Amazon and other channels.