A Year in Review, 2020

Pandemic Uncertainty

Are we really in the last week of 2020? It seems strange to think that on Friday, we cross over to a new year. Truthfully, I do not really know what to make of 2020. The Pandemic brought with it many questions, concerns, disappointments, and pain. Like many of you, I waited and wondered how long it would last and what would happen next. One minute I was thriving in my Christian coaching business, set to have the best year ever. Without warning, I was thrust into a world of uncertainty, not knowing if my company would even survive.

Personally, I, too, lost loved ones and dealt with the cruel inconveniences of the Pandemic. There are no words to describe the emptiness felt when not being able to grieve together with loved ones.

Blessings Despite Challenges

However, I would be remiss if I only focused on the negatives 2020 brought. To be honest, I was party to some pretty incredible experiences too. I witnessed my oldest daughter’s marriage. Although a much smaller occasion, the joy felt as I watched her completely give herself to another person was priceless. I also welcomed a grandson into our family—finally, a boy after five girls. Also, priceless!

I was blessed with opportunities to teach more college students this year. It felt good knowing I played an integral part in keeping their academic journeys moving forward despite the craziness going on in the world. I also helped more than 100 people reach their career goals, even with the high unemployment rate.

And, while in lockdown away from distractions, I managed to write two new books this year. The second book in the God’s Way Series, Blessed and Transformed: Living the life God intended, was published in August. Career Advice for High School Students was published in September.

High School Students, Career Advice

I also had the chance to mentor a friend who sincerely desired to share her story. She published her book, My Rainbow to Keep in 2020 as well.


This year was definitely filled with equal parts of pain and joy. In hindsight, I have grown this year. Yes, I discovered some truth to the COVID 15 comments people were sharing, as I did put on some additional weight. More importantly, I found what truly mattered to me. I was more mindful, dedicated, and available this year. I made memories, shared laughs, and appreciated people, especially family, more. I stopped pushing so hard to be successful in business and writing and just took everything in. I believe I am a better person than I was previously.

How about you? What did you discover this year?  What did you experience? Please share anything you feel compelled to share in the comments. I would love to hear from you and how you are doing, friend.

To new experiences in 2021!

Always cheering for you!


Book Title

Knowing and Following is Book 3 in the God’s Way Series. Want to read Book 1?  Check out Broken to Beautiful here!

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